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Showing posts with the label crud

CRUD form using Datatables with dynamic Add & Delete rows

Hope you guys have suffered same issues as me with Web Development to create forms with Create/Read/Update/Delete functionality. I really use "Datatables" ( ) for displaying data in tabular format.  Datatables has got many advantages and is easily compatible with bootstrap stylings. IE8+ support, major browser support and uses jQuery as its core Can natively map JSON data Searching and Filtering functionality with pagination Support MultiLanguage support, ClientSide Sorting, AJAX based inputs Can filter required Columns at front-end Datatables is free but it's editor (editable tables) are paid. Hence I thought of putting together a simple table to use for editing and publishing data for POST purposes. In Summary, what we are doing here is Creating HTML stub with table headers within a form . Also add "Add Row" and "Delete Row" buttons with onclick actions attached to it and a "Submit" button In your javas