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Showing posts with the label rmsock

Find process listening on a port

How to Find process listening on a port I recently had an issue while implementing my web-server as the default port was used by something else. I used below commands in AIX to find more details of that process 1. Use netstat command to find the protocol control block or PCB which is a protocol layer for UDP or TCP sockets eg.  netstat -Aan | grep <port_number> netstat -Aan | grep 30501 output will be something like $ netstat -Aan | grep 30501 f1000e0001363bb8 tcp4     0     0  *.30501     *.*     LISTEN 2. As "root" user, run rmsock command. Don't worry it won't remove anything as specified in the documentation . usage: rmsock Address TypeofAddress eg. rmsock f1000e0001363bb8 tcpcb output: The socket f1000e0001363bb8 is being held by proccess 15854120 (perl). You can further diagnose the process using "ps -ef | grep <process_id>" and see the real process. A good documentation can be found in IBM site which caters for Windows as well.