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Showing posts with the label ssh for telnet

ssh equivalent of telnet

We will look into a method to do ssh equivalent for telnet You guys must be familiar with running SSH. Using Standardport it would be ssh <serverIP> If you want to run ssh on a non-standard port it is ssh -p <portNumber> <serverIp>     #eg    ssh -p 5443 But recently many Admins started removing "telnet" from *NIX machines. Previously Telnet was used to check if the remote machine was listening to a port and the connectivity. We used telnet as below telnet <serverIP> <portNumber>  #eg   telnet 5443 You could simulate telnet using ssh command line. Though SSH is a protocol and not a debug tool, we could do some tricks.The equivalent of above telnet would be ssh -vv -p 5443 ssh -p <portNumber> <serverIp>  telnet <serverIP> <portNumber> ssh -vv -p 5443