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Showing posts with the label k8s

Setting up Kubernetes Cluster in your home lab

Setting up Kubernetes Cluster in your home lab Summary Kubernetes is the future of automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerised applications which makes development of projects easier and portable. Additionally setting up such an environment within your local lab environment makes it easy to deploy and test out softwares at unprecedented pace. You might have already setup Kubernetes in your laptop and must have used minikube to do so. But what if you want to setup it in your remote home lab? For instance i've got various DELL server ( lab_server ) running in my home lab and don't want my laptop to bear the pain of Kubernetes, but outsource the workloads to my  lab_server  while administering from laptop k3s is a lightweight alternative and k3sup will automate such an installation into your  lab_server  and pair your laptop with it Pre-Reqs Understanding of Kubernetes sudo permission on your home lab and connectivity from your laptop

Kubernetes & n8n: Setup n8n using K8S (Part 1)

Deploying n8n workflow automation with Kubernetes  Intro Aim of this article is to Publish n8n workflow automation tool into a Kubernetes environment.  n8n is quite flexible and can be used for IOT devices for your hobby projects to act as a SOAR tool at enterprise level. Pre-Reqs Familiarity with Kubernetes (k8s) Package components The deployment is split into following n8n-pvc0.yaml   - PersistentVolumeClaim To mount directory for n8n database and configs n8n-pvc1.yaml   - PersistentVolumeClaim To mount directory for n8n workflows n8n-deployment.yaml   - Actual deployment definitions n8n-svc.yaml   - Service To expose n8n for UI access n8n-pvc0.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: n8n-claim0 name: n8n-claim0 spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 2Gi status: {} n8n-pvc1.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: creationTimestamp: null