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Showing posts with the label n8n

Kubernetes & n8n: Setup n8n using K8S (Part 2) with TLS/https

  Kubernetes & n8n: Setup n8n using K8S (Part 2) Summary We have briefly discussed on automating various tasks using n8n and installation of n8n within Kubernetes in Part1 . In this part, we mostly concentrate on how to enable TLS (for https) and terminate before it hits n8n Pre-Reqs Setting up of n8n in Kubernetes ; Read  Part1 Knowledge of TLS, certificates Summary Steps Ensure n8n is configured properly with by http Implement Kubernetes Ingress with https There are two options from here End to end TLS by redirecting proxy to n8n  TLS termination at proxy and private network to be non-secure We follow the second option as it is easier, thus creating Ingress and pointing to n8n service Steps Steps in  lab_server Ensure Certificate is created and implemented as a secret in Kubernetes preferably in same namespace kubectl -n n8n create secret tls tls-secret --key test.key --cert test.crt Use the same tls-secret in the Ingress config apiVersion:

Kubernetes & n8n: Setup n8n using K8S (Part 1)

Deploying n8n workflow automation with Kubernetes  Intro Aim of this article is to Publish n8n workflow automation tool into a Kubernetes environment.  n8n is quite flexible and can be used for IOT devices for your hobby projects to act as a SOAR tool at enterprise level. Pre-Reqs Familiarity with Kubernetes (k8s) Package components The deployment is split into following n8n-pvc0.yaml   - PersistentVolumeClaim To mount directory for n8n database and configs n8n-pvc1.yaml   - PersistentVolumeClaim To mount directory for n8n workflows n8n-deployment.yaml   - Actual deployment definitions n8n-svc.yaml   - Service To expose n8n for UI access n8n-pvc0.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: n8n-claim0 name: n8n-claim0 spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 2Gi status: {} n8n-pvc1.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Persi...