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Showing posts with the label pfsense

pfsense: Create multiple vLAN and segregate traffic

pfsense: Create multiple vLAN and segregate traffic Summary pfSense is an excellent product and can be customised better than professional devices available from large vendors. pfSense is open-source, can be installed into an old laptop or Mini-PC and can scale from home lab setup to medium-large enterprises. This article focus on Creating "multiple LAN segments" within your home network, thus segregating traffic for different type of devices Pre-Reqs device with pfsense installed. I have installed pfsense in an OLD laptop with 2 ethernet ports VLAN switch  with ability to Securely separate networks (VLAN) (New type of plus switches are cheaper around £20/$30 for 8 ports) Quite few Ethernet cables (short lengths would be perfect) Setup within pfsense The settings are divided mainly into 3 parts Creation of VLANs (For instance I've created 3 VLANs as below). The VLAN tag is quite important setting which is used to filter within the Switch Configuration of VLANs (eg shown...

Elastic Beats on pfSense : Installation and configuration

Summary Though in many cases syslog is preferred to transport the pfSense logs to external system, Elastic beats provides quite a niche way to send the logs while modelling the data alongside. This makes it ready-made to send to ElasticSearch directly and get ready-made outcomes like SIEM, performance etc. Pre-reqs A build server (preferably Ubuntu or Fedora) with internet connectivity shell access to pfsense server Basic knowledge of Elastic Stack (filebeat.yml configurations etc) Ensure connectivity is allowed from pfsense machine to your Elastic Stack receiver Setup Summary Connectivity tests Install dependencies in build server (vagrant, virtualbox, gmake, go etc) Download Elastic Beats source Make elastic Beats package for FreeBSD Copy binary packages to pfsense server Configure Beats to send to destination Configure ElasticSearch to view the data Installation Steps Connectivity tests Logon to pfsense server via Shel...